Strength Training Programs
You may say “Training feels like a chore,” “I don't have time to train,” or ”It feels boring” and you feel like you have little to no motivation. This is why people come to me; to create a workout routine that fits their schedule and gets them motivated. I give you a blueprint to be your own personal trainer. I created my strength training programs to take my clients on an adventure so working out doesn't feel like a chore and will essentially boost your fitness routines.
If you are interested in getting to your fitness training goals, whether it is weight loss, muscle gain, speed, strength, or performance, select a Strentgth Training Program below to schedule a COMPLIMANTARY fitness assessment.
Dr. Al Claussen
Dr. Al is an Author, Dr. of Pharmacy & Personal Fitness Trainer. He has been a certified personal trainer for nearly 20 years and a Dr. of Pharmacy since 2002. As a Self-defense instructor, he has traveled for study and training since 2007. He also gives advice on nutrition & medication where it is needed.
Dr. Al' fitness programs give you a blueprint to be your own personal trainer. His book, Safe Weight Training for Everyone, is a collection of basic exercises you can use along with his strength training programs & boot camps.
You may say “Training feels like a chore” “I don't have time to train” ”It feels boring” & you feel like you have no motivation. This is why people come to Dr. Al; to create a workout routine that fits their schedule.
His strength training programs are geared to take you on an adventure so working out doesn't feel like a chore and will essentially boost your motivation.
If you are interested in getting to your fitness training goals, whether it is weight loss, muscle gain, speed, strength, or performance, click on the button below and get your copy of the book. Anyone with a copy will get an invite into the Strength Training Program 2023!
Every workout should NOT feel the same! That's why I developed the Mapped disregulation, which is one of the systems created to assist individuals with monotony in their day to day workouts.
Do you feel like you can't get your nutrition right? Dr. Al can give you a Dietary Analysis & general recommendations on what to eat while you workout to build a healthier body and maintain your goals.
If you’re looking for a great guide to start your journey the gym, Safe Weight Training for Everyone will be a solid source to learn the basic fundamentals. Claussen’s book gets straight to the point in his very well laid out. Safe Weight Training covers the function of performance of each exercise in detail so you get a clear understanding of what you’re trying to achieve.
-Sifu Alan Baker, self-defense educator and agent of change
Every now and then an easy to read, thoughtful, and positive self help book comes along and Safe Weight Training for Everyone fits this description. But the greatest asset of Safe Weight Training for Everyone is Claussen’s expertise. An avid martial artist with a doctorate in clinical pharmacy, Al translates his knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and conditioning into a safe and healthy approach to weight training. No steroids needed.
- Randy Watt, PharmD
In many years of strength training, I have witnessed countless individuals engage in potentially damaging or dangerous weight training practices due to a lack of knowledge or awareness. These individuals often become frustrated and ultimately abandon their ambition to tone and strengthen. Claussen’s Safe Weight Training for Everyone is a clear, concise summary of proper techniques for safe, effective, and successful strength training. It will be an invaluable resource for any individual getting started with a strength training program, as well as a great review for experienced individuals who may not be achieving their desired goals.
- John Woon, PharmD, FASHP
Love it! Clear and concise - a staple for anyone wanting to get the most out of their gym workout, learn the correct form, and optimize their performance. Feeling confident increases motivation, which means better results, ultimately. Master your workouts with this book!
-Erica Green, MA2, LPC, MPH, CADC, health coach, and psychotherapist